Welcome to Adewebs Technologies Academy

Get started with your career as a software Engineer


Mast Ghost Blogging (Ultimate Pro Guide)
Mast Ghost Blogging (Ultimate Pro Guide)

Become proficient in building and managing content-focused websites using Ghost CMS.

Tuition Fee: $320.00

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Master Medium (Ultimate Pro Guide)
Master Medium (Ultimate Pro Guide)

Write and publish your stories on Medium, a popular platform for bloggers.

Tuition Fee: $200.00

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Mast Jekyll (Ultimate Pro Guide)
Mast Jekyll (Ultimate Pro Guide)

Learn Jekyll to create fast static websites and blogs.

Tuition Fee: $250.00

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Mast Buidling A Website With Wix Website Buider (Ultimate Pro Guide)
Mast Buidling A Website With Wix Website Buider (Ultimate Pro Guide)

Build stunning blogs and websites using the Wix platform.

Tuition Fee: $270.00

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